en BTS Port Douglas Bus to: Daintree Forest, Kuranda, Hartleys, Mossman Gorge, Cairns Airport

All BTS PortDouglasBus services between Cairns, Port Douglas, Hartley's Crocodile Adventures, Kuranda, and Mossman Gorge, will cease to operate till further noticewatch replica.

Airport Transfers to and from Port Douglas, Cairns City, Cairns Airport, Northern Beaches: Trinity Beach, Kewarra Beach, Clifton and Palm Cove. *


Port Douglas Bus operates daily with departures from   Cairns @ 09.45am, 1.00pm & 3.00pm.

Port Douglas @ 10.00am, 1.15pm & 3.30pm 

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Transfers from Port Douglas and Cairns, ceased till further notice.

BTS Port Douglas will not be operating any timetabled transfer services till further notice.                                              

Group charter services are still available for corporate functions, private excursions and weddings,

 Our buses are sanitised and cleaned before each departure to meet public health guidelines as advised.